A fost odată ca niciodată un amfiteatru mic. Nu avea nici ferestre, nici ventilație. Dar avea neoane palpaitoare. Din neoanele palpaitoare doar un sfert functionau. Asadar, amfiteatrul mic era si un pic negru de bezna. Acolo stai tu, ala care visează sa salveze vieti, care acum cativa ani te gândeai "ce oameni mari sunt astia din anul 5, cate chestii cred ca stiu sa faca, ce chestii complicate invata si cate lucruri fac intr-o zi, de alea de vezi in filme". In amfiteatrul mic si negru stai tu, care acum esti "mare si responsabil" in anul 5. Cu fundul pe o treapta, pentru ca amfiteatrul e mic si locurile-s putine. In ochiul drept iti palpaie un bec verde pe care scrie exit deasupra unei usi incuiate. Cu ochiul stâng te uiti vag la niste slide-uri despre subiecte pe care le-ai mai vazut de vreo 5 ori in ultimele doua luni. E cald in amfiteatrul mic. E si mai cald pentru ca pe drum ai alergat ca sa ajungi la timp la curs. Acum stai cu becul verde in ochi, asculti cursul pe fundal, superficial, doar cat sa fii pe faza daca apare vreo informație noua. Ochii incearca sa ignore palpaielile becurilor si se uita fix in niste borcane in care stau de ani de zile urechi, bucati de creier si alte foste organe pe care nu le poti identifica de la distanta asta si de cat de macelarite au fost.
Auzi pentru a cinspea oara... si va mai spun despre... si termin. Te-ai invatat sa nu mai crezi replicile astea, sunt doar expresii lipsite de sens. Apoi auzi "asta stiu sigur ca ati vazut la stagii". Ai avut un singur stagiu in orar pana acum la care ai sprijinit peretii si nu s-a obosit nimeni sa vina macar sa te trimita acasa, dar s-a simtit o asistenta sa comenteze cand te-ai îmbrăcat sa pleci acasa "asa devreme".
Nu iti mai simti fundul dar s-a terminat. Esti cu o zi mai aproape de a fi medic.
marți, 25 februarie 2014
vineri, 7 februarie 2014
Winter friends
What to do when you have a great winter but you also have final exams.
You make window friends. Most of you followed the story on my facebook page. It was way more successful than I thought it would be, so I guess, now that it's over, I'll share it with the world.
At first, it was only Fulga. I made her one day while taking a break from reading my lectures. Soon, she made friends and they were staring at me going... "Is she still studying?!"
With all the friends I thought she was feeling a bit lonely so I made her a loving husband. Named him Smitten.
And what do you know... they probably loved each other! As the next morning we had a baby. Baby Snö!
They were so proud and happy they had to share the news with the family so they invited Cousin Gigi to come over and occasionally babysit.
You make window friends. Most of you followed the story on my facebook page. It was way more successful than I thought it would be, so I guess, now that it's over, I'll share it with the world.
That's your mother? Smart one. She reads a lot. |
With all the friends I thought she was feeling a bit lonely so I made her a loving husband. Named him Smitten.
Fulga&Smitten. He wears a bowtie. Bowties are cool. And a fez. |
And what do you know... they probably loved each other! As the next morning we had a baby. Baby Snö!
They were so proud and happy they had to share the news with the family so they invited Cousin Gigi to come over and occasionally babysit.
There was a whole party going on for a few days to celebrate the happy family!
Until, I had to leave the house one day. I left my snowmen alone, thinking they'd all be good. But when I returned, I found Fulga's head on the pavement. It is unclear to this day if she wanted to follow me because she couldn't bare seeing me leave or if some of her "friends" pushed her. The main suspect in this case is a pigeon. Smitten had his eyes pulled out and his bowtie ripped but I managed to fix him and make him as good as new. Fulga was rushed immediately to the operating room but there was nothing I could do. She lived a short life but a happy one.
Picture from the crime scene. Caution! might be shocking for some viewers. |
Gigi inherited the hat and was left to take care of the family.
And he did so for the past week. They were smiling at me every morning from the windowsill. Even if smaller and weirder they were still my cute babies. This morning, however, I got the news. Spring is coming and they had to go.
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