joi, 7 iulie 2011

all things bright and mikaful!

So! I got to Bucharest and met with Adda. Then I got to B'estfest with was somewhere in the middle of nowhere, in a field, near a lake. We waited in front of the gates to get in at 12.00. After that, we said we weren't going to stick to the stage because Mika would be there only after 12 hours. Well... scratch that. We did walk around and had fun but we would check back often to see if there were any people in front of the stage. We met two other fans from Spain, LeiRe and Raquel (if i remember well). We saw the band do the soundcheck and I waved to iMMa and she waved back which at that point made me super happy. After that, as me and Adda were walking around the ...field, we saw Martin, Cherisse, iMMa, Ben and Marcus. I said hello to Martin and he was looking at some pictures on his camera and just mumbled hello. Then he looked up and said: Oh Hi there! having fun? and I told him yes and I'll see him later this evening. Then Imma said it was hot outside but honestly I wasn't feeling the temperature anymore. I told them (again) Can't wait to see you tonight and left. They waved and told me See you later. I didn't take a picture (facepalm!).
Then the other Romanian members from MFC started coming. At around 3pm we got ourselves in front of the stage to make sure we get the front row. We saw the other bands perform and I was only thrilled by Asian Dub Foundation. Then it was MIKA time. And we thought there weren't going to be many people as most of them seemed to come for ADF or other bands. But after ADF I noticed people aren't leaving...they just keep pushing in to the front rows and keep gathering. So I finally managed to sit down because my feet were killing me and I thought I heard..."do you want to get on stage with Mika and dance?" My first thought was..."No. I'm staying here to see the gig. But I got up to see who it was. And it was Yasmine. She asked me and I just got my bag and ran to the backstage. I was hoping i'd be a lollipop girl. She came...looked at us... and said... I need BIG GIRLS!!! she couldn't find me, and 2 other girls got to be Big Girls. Which was super cool because we got on stage twice. At Big Girl and Lollipop. We went backstage, shared the dressing room with Cherisse and iMMa. Then, on the hallway I saw Mika (eating a banana) and I said Hi. He greeted and told us to have fun on the stage. Then, after we were all dressed up it was that awkward moment when he was staring at us and we were staring at him but no one would say a word so i just jumped and said Wooooop! he started laughing, came to us and said that they didn't have the big heads for the BGs. And I said that's ok because i don't think i can dance with that thing on. Then he said...Yeah but you have to do something else if you don't have that... Because you get on stage at the second song and I need you need to get all the audience up and dancing (pfffss as if they weren't already). I need you to rock the stage and go wild there.
I said I could do that, no problem. And he said...oh well...we shall see.
And so I did . Yasmine took us backstage and at BG we went on the stage and... well... I was dancing around and singing with iMMa then I turned and saw Mika coming my way. And all I was seeing were his eyes... and i realized i had no idea what he was singing, what lyrics...i tried to look at his lips and i just saw them move and couldn't make out a single word. So i shut my mouth and just danced and well.. he...did too.

After BG was done Yasmine let us go back outside and watch the gig. We came back before Lollipop when we got on stage again, and at the end... (beware this is going to be awkward!)*beginning of fangurl moment: he grabbed my hand and put it behind his back..and he was shirtless... *end of fangurl moment.

Then after we changed Yasmine got the things which we wanted to get signed to Mika and after getting them back we left. The band was unbelievably nice and all were smiling and talking to us. Oh and iMMa had lovely socks with gingerbread girls
I left and all the girls greeted me with huge hugs and congrats and I stayed a little after that, but left before the meet&greet as I thought there wasn't going to be one. I didn't care anyway... I had my meet&greet in the backstage and it was more than I could ever even dream of!

P.s: Yasmine is such a lovely lady! so stylish, natural and cute.
And I was pleasantly surprised to see Mika act so ...naturally. It was like talking to any other guy...and if I think well...I know random guys who are more smug and pretentious than he seemed to be.
P.p.s: we heard him prepare his voice before the gig. and it was honestly the most beautiful thing i have ever heard. the whole amplification and background on the gigs/albums...just cut the beauty of his voice. so clear and beautiful!
P.p.p.s: what nearly brought tears (happy tears) in my eyes.
when mika started the gig, i looked at Yasmine. The look on her face was priceless! She seemed so proud that he was her brother and so happy for him. i wish i could describe exactly that cute face.

this is pretty much it... i had the time of my life and i never even dreamed of this.

This is the Lollipop video where we're all on stage and at the end we all take a bow with Mika. I'm the 2nd one on his right

and here's the moment where i kind of lost myself although yeah...i'm a pro at disguise so you won't see that.

marți, 5 iulie 2011

Liceu, BAC si alte dureri.

Sa va spun cum vad eu lucrurile referitoare la esecul bacalaureatului de anul asta. Cat de scurt pot.
In liceu a plouat cu 10. Am avut medii peste 9.60 in fiecare an... Pe atunci mi se parea ca munceam pentru ele. Sincer? Nu tin minte cate carti si caiete am deschis ca sa invat in liceu. Vreo 10 cel mult in toti cei 4 ani.
Am facut greseala de a da la profil filologie. Bilingv spaniola pentru ca imi placea. Eram impotriva matematicii pentru ca din gimnaziu "m-au etichetat" ca incapabila si la ora de matematica nu auzeam decat "Daca nu stii, lasa, asta este, nu le ai cu matematica." In fiecare teza luam 4.5 pentru ca nu eram incurajata de mai mult. Nu acasa. Pentru ca acasa nu exista "nu le ai cu matematica" ci doar "nu iti bati capul indeajuns", ceea ce era adevarat. Dar asta nu mai conta cand ajungeam la scoala.
In liceu am vrut sa invat. La sfarsitul liceului eram convinsa ca stau foarte bine. Dupa BAC (luat cu 9, pe bune, fara bataie de cap pentru ca nu m-a interesat tare nota) ma simteam mai mult decat capabila sa fac fata la orice. Terminasem liceul cu o medie mare, luasem BAC-ul cu medie mare...fara prea mult chin.
La facultate am dat de greu. Greu pentru ca ni se cere implicare. Ni se cere interventia la ore, ni se cer pareri si ni se cer argumente pentru parerile noastre. Pe scurt, ni se cere sa gandim. In anul 1 am avut o profesoara care ne-a spus ca nu stie ce-i cu noi si ca nu a mai vazut generatie ca a noastra pana acum. Nu avea cu cine sa vorbeasca la ore si isi dorea asta. Isi dorea sa intelegem si sa ramanem cu ceva in cap.
Atunci mi-am dat seama ce s-a intamplat in liceu. Cu totii am avut creierele spalate. Am luat 4 in liceu pentru ca "parerea mea era gresita", s-a tipat la mine pentru ca "nu aveam dreptul sa imi spun parerea despre ce nu mi se pare corect", mi s-a spus ca "stiu prea multe si invat prea mult", ni s-a spus in mod repetat ca e mai bine sa profitam si sa fim smecheri ca reusim mai multe. Am avut o profesoara care nu ne scotea din "fete de pe centura", "proaste", "racolate de pe trotuar si aduse cu forta la scoala". Fara sa imi dau seama respectul de sine a scazut foarte mult in liceu. Si cheful de a ma mai implica in orice.
Desi aveam idei, stiam ce sa zic, intelegeam cursurile nu am scos un cuvant in anul 1 la nici un curs. Pentru ca mi-era mai bine daca taceam. Asa ma obisnuisem. Stiam ca daca tac nu se ia nimeni de mine. Nu stiam ca n-am sa raman cu nimic in cap asa cum am patit in liceu si ca, de fapt, e mai bine sa spun ceva pentru ca nu o sa mi se taie gatul.

In liceu, se insista pe multe lucruri inutile. La profil umanist iesi mai prost decat intri. Desi eram setata impotriva matematicii stiam ca o baza tot trebuie sa am, stiam ca trebuie sa invat chimie, biologie si fizica. Nu neaparat intensiv, dar lucrurile elementare trebuiau stiute. Putinele ore de "stiinte" pe care le-am avut s-au rezumat in explicatii ale sfarsitului lumii din 2012, la nunti din India si la puterea de vindecare ale produselor din Aloe Vera.
Nu s-a facut nimic practic in liceu. In schimb, se invata limba latina. De ce?!
Sunt elevi care nu stiu notiuni elementare de gramatica ale limbii romane dar ei trebuie sa invete gramatica limbii latine. La limba romana au grija sa memorezi rezumate si analize ale textului pe de rost. Daca tu intelegi altceva din text, daca tie o poezie iti da alte sentimente decat i-a dat lui Calinescu...esti prost. Habar n-ai ce vorbesti. Stiu, insa, persoane care stiu toate metaforele din poeziile lui Eminescu, dar nu stiu cand trebuie sa scrie "copiii" cu 3 de "i". Si au terminat facultatea de litere cu brio. Ajung profesori. Aici e problema!
Profesorii din liceu nu mai au nici cel mai mic interes fata de elevi. Ofera note de trecere si note de 10 pentru ca da bine. Olimpiadele se fura si notele se umfla pentru ca daca ai elevi olimpici primesti 10 lei in plus la salariu. Si asta se intampla pentru ca profesorii mor de foame. Nu ii intereseaza ce fel de elevi scot. De fapt, pe unii, ii intereseaza. Dar din lipsa de bani ii pregatesc doar in particular ca sa le iasa si lor ceva. Se cheama lupta pentru supravietuire. Desi am o ura imensa fata de multi profesori din liceu, incerc sa inteleg.
Ce s-a intamplat la BAC anul acesta reprezinta nu numai nivelul real al elevilor. (Elevi care, fara nici un dubiu, in liceu au fost foarte buni si buni). Reprezinta nivelul real al intregului sistem. Sistem care a fost distrus. Pentru ca scazand interesul din partea profesorilor, scade si interesul din partea elevilor. Foarte normal. Nu ti se cere sa iti bati capul nu iti bati capul. E ca si cum ai cere socoteala cuiva ca nu a invatat ceva de a carui existenta nu stia pana atunci.

Mai este si treaba cu "Cine vrea sa invete, invata." E adevarat. Dar daca te fac sa crezi ca ai invatat deja tot ce trebuie...?